Saturday, February 28, 2015

Education Lives in Indonesia

For a while I will talk about education lives in Indonesia. There is something weird if we talk about education. Why? First because Indonesian people have a culture that education is not important for their children. Second is the first thing just the reason to cover up the real fact. What is the real fact? It is education in Indonesia very expensive. I said likes that absolutely with the standard of our lives as Indonesian. I give you explanation, for the elementary level we must through 6 years! And per year we must paid about 2 Million, and it is for bad grade school. For the highest it is about 8 Millions. And what we got? Honestly, I’m confused to explain what we got. And next in Junior High School level our parents must paid minimum 5 Million per year for 3 years. How about the Senior High school and in the College? It must be more expensive. Is there a scholarship for us the under? Yeah some peoples squawked always there are many scholarship in their school, so we came in, we paid the cost and what? The Scholarships never come. And just for the rich people? Wait, why  the scholarship for the rich people? Is your country are the third country? I don’t know what had happened, our country likes our nature, looks beautiful in outside but when you come and see what the inside, the strongest is the winner.

Ok forget about that problem, now I will tell about our lives as a student. I just tell you in Indonesia the student has many problems. From inside or the outside. The inside is something about love, anger, jealous, envious, arrogant, and I don’t know what I must write more. The outside is about family, friendship, the love, school, neighbor, or anything. Likes what I said, our lives similar our nature, our nature is very beautiful, amazing, special one, because of that million people looking for what is in our nature. So our nature transformed from beautiful to disgusting or sorry for that word, I mean ruined, damaged, or whatever you called that. Indonesian children, Indonesian teenage I think with some facts is the best children, the best teenage in the world. They are smart, intelligence, sporty, strong, good kind, religious but because the others not like our country developing.  They are presented us about dream, fantasy, imagination, that is not real.

So this is now our lives. If in the 90’s era one school is one group, but now there are more than one group in one class. Each other assume they are the best one than the others. Then, what the happened is each kills others. Some teenage has bad philosophy now. It is if you are in motorcycle gang you’re the cool man. Is it true? Absolutely normal people say no with doubtless. And what the things make you are being cool if you’re in the gang?  It is likes the monkey thinks if they are can be the Gorilla is very good thing. Ok that just what had I thought before. Our lives not good alike what you have watched. So please, keep our nature still be what they are, don’t change it or take it or another thing. Bonjour! 

Friday, February 27, 2015

This is our nature

Alright guys, thats all i just took in 3 cities jogjakarta, wonosobo and magelang. How about the others? i assure as beautiful as likes that. Ok see you next time for another my article. Adios Amigos!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Multicultural in Indonesia

Not much people knew that Indonesia has many cultural, This is important for us to know about some characteristics of many human kind in Indonesia. Likes me is javanese, javanese character mainly is they are respectful to the others especially to the older people. And javanese language has difficult structure, i mean not likes english that structure depends on the times, javanese languages structure is depends who are we talked. If older than us, we must talks with krama inggil, and many others structure in javanese. It was one of why javanese people are respectfully.  But easily, you don't afraid to come java, javanese people are easy going to travelling, to be a friendship, etc.

Maybe we are thought that java island just only there is javanese, if you think likes that, you were wrong, For the javanese itself there are many kind javanese, in central java there are ngapak, solo, etc. And the west of java is Sundanese people. Sundanese people almost has same characteristic with Javanese. But in Sundanese they are better with their group than they are lonely. And how  the languages? It’s very different wit Javanese. I called them likes speak play with tongue. As example, peuyeum, why we are not just call that ‘peyem’. For the first you must confuse talks with them because they talks too fast. So, you must be patient. Although likes that, we know in West Java there are many beautiful forests. Even more there is city that called Paris van Java, because the city as beautiful as Paris.

It just in Java Island, we have more than 70.000 islands with their culture. So, if you visit our country you might be amaze with our country. Because you’ll find not just the landscape of Indonesian nature but there are our cultures, our lives, our think and many things. In next articles insya alloh I will give the pictures of Indonesia. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I know Bali not Indonesia

Most of peoples in the world just knew Bali, but they are didn't know Bali is a part of Indonesia. I'm as Indonesian just thought very deep, how it could be happened. Whats wrong about Indonesia? So, i started for looking why bali more famous than Indonesia. And Eureka! First, Bali has a very beautiful landscape, it has a big waves for surf, good for sunbathe, etc. 
And you must know that not just Bali has that condition. Many places in Indonesia has as good as Bali even though in the others has an unique character, such as Raja Ampat has good underwater lives, Jogja has many caves and beachs, etc.
For the second, Balinese peoples just quiet about their identity, the fact that they are indonesian not just Balinese. I dont know why they weren't say that. I"am assured that if they are say that Bali is a part of Indonesia, the peoples would search about Indonesia not just about Bali. 
The last, Indonesia is too long to remember that, differ with Bali. as example, in - do - ne -si -a and ba - li, looks it different, why the tourist after travel in Bali just remember Bali but forget Indonesia. Okay, all of above is just my opinion, but about the point of is fact, for now, we must makes understanding Bali is a part of Indonesia, still and never separate.