Sunday, March 1, 2015

Indonesia Better

                                                           source : +Eka Gustiwana 

Please watch this video for Indonesia better. Maybe Our country has many problem but if we as Indonesia not do anything so who will do that? Maybe we are nothing in our country. Maybe we don't have power, money, position, or anything else. Maybe we just a bullshit. Maybe we always do bad thing. And other reason to say we can;t make Indonesia be better, Please! wake up, get up, lets move change our country! Begin from ourselves. We do as many as we can do for a changing. We don't care what are we must fight. We just do and do and do. Do it now or never. Do it now if you care to your country. For yourself, for your family,for your friend, for your beloved, and someone else. What the relation between we change our country to us and anyone in this country? The answers is many things. Never will be there corruptor again. Never there about Indonesia is Bali. Never there the others call us bad people, dumb people, retarded people, or i don't know for what i must said again. Just only there Indonesia. The Beautiful Country. Ciao for better Indonesia! 

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