Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Riau, The Auspicious City

Hello my friends, now I'll tell you one rich provinces in Indonesia. The wealth of this province can not be separated from factors abundant natural resources, especially mineral resources such as petroleum and natural gas, as well as oil palm and rubber plantations. Initially Riau still together with the Riau Islands until finally in 2004, separated from the Riau Riau Islands. Riau actually have outstanding natural beauty. Ranging from forests inhabited by various endangered species and marine tourism also very beautiful scenery and you will not regret it when it comes to this province. But unfortunately the people of Indonesia are greedy and greedy burn forests to open a rubber or oil palm plantation. So if you are going to travel to Riau have to look at the news on TV or the internet apakaha no thick haze that covers the province. Because of your journey would be very disturbed by the existence of this problem. Should we as the people of Indonesia must preserve our true nature is very beautiful. Well I'll show some natural beauty Indonesia in Riau.

1.Jemur Islands

Jemur  island located in the Strait of Malacca, or precisely in Rokan Hilir district. The natural beauty of this island is provided so many. The island is breeding place of green turtle species, especially underwater natural richness that has millions of species of fish and coral reefs. Even in the 1960s in particular Jemur become the second largest fish producer in the world after Norway. No wonder this island eventually became a bone of contention both between Malaysia and Indonesia as well as the seizure of the district administrative Rokan Hilir and Labuhan stone. There is still a lot that I can talk about the beauty of nature that exist in this Jemur Island. But at other times I will review in more detail.

2.Tiga Puluh Hill National Park
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Tiga Puluh Hill National Park is one of the Indonesian national park to the variety of wildlife and wild plants. Among the famous wildlife in this park is the Sumatran tiger. Moreover, it can also be found indigenous tribes still very primitive one child in the tribe. Hill thirty therein even this was also still keep the beauty of natural outstanding. If you visit here means you have the chance to see one of the tourist sites in Air Hitam, attractions such as waterfalls. Unfortunately the government has not really care to take care of this National Park. Illegal logging is still frequent in the region. Unfortunately if finally the natural beauty here knocked away.

3.Giak Siam Kecl Bukit Batu Biosphere Nature Reserves
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In Riau also has a natural charm that is currently being watched by the whole world. That place is a nature reserve Biosphere Giak Siam Kecil Bukit Batu. This unique heritage is an area of peat swamp forest, who has characteristics dunia.Pesona unparalleled in the world of flora and fauna in the peat swamp forest is so impressive world so that the world is felt to be taking care of this forest. Researchers found 159 species of birds, 10 species of mammals, 13 species of fish, 8 species of reptiles, and 52 species of rare and protected plants, including orchids and ramin. Protected animals that were there in between False Gharial and hornbills. But again something beautiful so very tempting to be bothered by the hands idly to ruin it. Needed awareness of the various parties to take care of the beautiful nature in this place.

4.Bintan Mount
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Bintan Island has a mountain but its height is only 400 meters away. Although it looks like a hill if you made it to the peak will be presented thorough beauty of Bintan island surrounded by sea water. The surrounding mountains also you can see the lush trees. Trees that are keeping the island bintan of the threat of erosion. After passing through an exhausting trip do not forget when you get down to stop for a moment at the waterfall located at the foot of the mountain ni. The water is cool and clear certainly can relieve fatigue there.

Riau does have a natural abundance of charm. But already started to disappear one eprstau akibaat human activity that is only to satisfy lust eventually burn, destroy, and ruin all that nature provided a god to us. And I hope you guys are coming to Indonesia while maintaining this natural not to damage. I present it to you to feel the beautiful nature Indonesia. share awe for nature Indonesia. See you in the next post.

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