Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Junggle of City

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The roar of cars to compete with the noises exhaust motor that is not according to standards. They said the driver was mismatched for their style. The city is already too fragile in using and opinionated. As a matter of time disaster came to visit in this city. The buildings have been racing anyone higher in the city. Thick skinned asphalt road was like already expensive items just in this city. Instead of streets, houses broad leafs just like looking beautiful butterflies fly in this city. I wonder what the reason more and more people move from rural to urban. She's supposed to find work more easily here than where they came from. Stupid they forgot to bring enough stock of the village. In the minds of those who have advanced fundamental, provision means enough food to get to the city. Eventually more and more helpless deer-deer caught in a ferocious lion enclosure that is ready to pounce on them.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

[VIDEO] Forget This Indonesia

Indonesia is rich country in natural resources. Indonesian humans were much smarter. Proven thousands of culture created in Indonesia. Indonesia is the only country with which begtu many traditional languages, each province has a different language, although it sounds like but they have different languages. Likewise culture tecipta too much. There is no denying anymore Indonesia should this be known to the world with abundant natural tourism from the end of Sabang to Merauke.
But so many people are not responsible for making all become damaged, destroyed, and helpless. Indonesia only slightly damaged natural cares. The Youth forget the customs of the culture they do not care about. So this would be what Indonesia. Disasters have often god send that humans who live above their natural ideology is destroying nature when they occupy it. Why are not aware also, O people of Indonesia. You're headed for destruction, did you all without any exception.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Life Without Life

I lead footsteps inch by inch down one by one grain of sand on the beach which should have been white. Bored step, I wiped this view towards the endless source of broad vision. In the end this heart wants to see the sun shining on a day of rest after the fatigue of the land that is outdated and old but discouraged endless waves like the ship did not stop always looks closed anggunya the twilight sun. Many unexpected things should come together dusk but whatever it is water-salt water is already a bargain or even bitter never tried again since the last time I had tasted in a long while yet a few years back. It is not dare to try like the saying goes do not try you'll never know. But the water that I had seen a clear blue brown when the rain comes sometimes turned into blackened blue black even if it turns out well-worn eyes see the world is not wrong in judging a color.
Anyway I should just go home today also already pitch dark. On the way to the house once more I explored this view. Wonder in a place like this only objects that should be shining brightly on the roof of the world is reluctant to show the light. What indeed is the wrong eye view, no thorough in looking at, or indeed is already very dark liver in assessing that ordinary objects invisible time I had seen the goods. Why travel to find tranquility from the bustle of this world actually even made bustle to myself.

Monday, May 4, 2015

South Sumatera, The Rest Of Kingdom Of Srivijaya

Long before Indonesia's independence, on the island of Sumatra, dominated by a huge empire, namely Sriwijaya. Hundreds of years later the rest of the kingdom can still be felt today. Kawan know at this time is the first region of the kingdom srwijaya downtown into an area called South Sumatra. This region was deliberately constructed to advance the trade center and military power of the kingdom of Srivijaya. In addition to a large river, the condition of the territory of South Sumatra itself in the form of a former swamp. But on the other hand make tourism potential in this area is very little that can attract foreign tourists. But for those of you who want to feel the sensation of how the great power of Srivijaya which is actually a Buddhist kingdoms of this please come to South Sumatra. But still I will give information to you about tourist icon in South Sumatra.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Indonesian Food Thats Might be You Never Knew

Hello sky-fella this time I will give you about the typical food in Indonesia. Because of the nature of tropical Indonesia so much spice plants, or plants that could be used as food. So happens Indonesia has hundreds of recipes Indonesian cuisine. Ever since the arrival of foreign traders in the days before Indonesia's independence make recipes Indonesia increased its variations. Compared to other countries of Indonesian dishes more colorful, more taste, more delicious and more can be enjoyed tongue anyone else where he came from. Ok without lengthy again I give some Indonesian cuisine that you do not encounter in other parts of the country except Indonesia or there that took him to the country.

West Sumatra, The Place Gadang's House Came From

Sorry comrade today I'm late posting because I was yesterday carriage up the mountain located in the area magelang direction Salatiga. But this time I will discuss our next trip on the island of Sumatra. Sekrang we proceed from Jambi heading West Sumatra. One area that is famous throughout Indonesia because there gadan's house cames from. Typical forms of art like gadang's house no more in the other parts of the world heritage of the ancestors of Indonesia. Besides the famous West Sumatra also with their distinctive cuisine is rendang. A diet of processed beef is already global flavor. You ever try rendang? if you do not hurry up to try before rendang disappeared from world cuisine. West Sumatra society at large Moslem majority. And they are very ethics of Islam, so you should be able to maintain ethical and moral here even though the law here is not like in there Aceh.Dan unique culture of West Sumatra. If the majority of the earth wherever men should apply the woman that does not apply here. Women have to apply for males. Yup cultures are slightly different but that West Sumatra. And we see any kind that can represent our journey to visit West Sumatra.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Jambi, The Place with Past Culture

Sorry fella all of yesterday I have not been able to post for a reason. Today we will continue our journey to Jambi. Need comrades know, Jambi Province in Indonesia is the cultural heritage of Srivijaya kingdom. It is estimated that there are still many relics are still buried in the ground. Interesting is not for you were pleased traveled once researched the history of civilization of human culture. Quiet here too there is a place for you who love marine tourism or who love adventure. If you say Jambi actually has a lot of potential for tourism but as is the case already Riau yesterday I discussed, the natural beauty of Jambi start undermined by the irresponsible who want to enrich themselves. Here there are a lot of rubber and oil palm plantations. Of course we hope that this does not become an ongoing thing. We hope that our grandchildren can still enjoy the natural beauty of our earth.

1.Kerinci Seblat National Park
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Our journey should begin to see nature Jambi first. Precisely I will explain the natural beauty of the National Park Kerinci. Actually, this national park located in four regions, but more are in the region of Jambi. Alright now I give a picture of the natural beauty that exist in this national park. You may be visit to the zoo frequently to see the animals such as elephants, tigers, monkeys, and other animals. In this forest was also no animals with the same type but different species. I mean here the animals that are here all dalah typical animals of this national park. Nothing in the other hemisphere. Interesting? certainly very interesting if we can meet these animals. But if the less fortunate, we still can see the unique plants that are here. Because here live dozens of rare species of orchids, or would like to see Kantung Semar, dead flowers, flower raflessia, all can be found here. If you're lucky you can see Sumatran elephants, clouded leopard, Sumatran tiger, Sumatran rhinoceros, Siamang, Ungko, and other sorts of unique animals. See not mentioned the name includes the word Sumatra because the animal is only found in Sumatra. Curious? you could find the picts on the Internet or not enough? please go the National Park.

2.Danau Gunung Tujuh
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Continue our journey to a beautiful lake. Besides this beautiful lake is the highest lake in Southeast Asia. Precisely this lake located at an altitude of 1950 meters. Yes the name of the lake is Lake Gunung Tujuh. Thus it its name because the lake is surrounded by seven mountains. Namely Tujuh Mount with a height of 2,735 meters above sea level, Mount Jar Panggang at an altitude of 2,469 meters above sea level, Madura Besi Mountain with an altitude of 2,418 meters above sea level, Hulu Tebo Mount with a height of 2,525 meters above sea level, Lumut Mountain  with a height of 2,350 meters above sea level, Hulu Sangir Mount with a height of 2,330 meters above sea level and Selasih Mount the has a height of 2,230 meters above sea level. This lake has clear water and cool. The scenery around it was still beautiful and natural. Not many tourists are attracted to come here because the terrain is quite difficult and far from the big city. In this lake there are also elongated like beach sand. So you can set up a tent to spend the night here and see the sunrise here. Or want to drive around the lake you can also rent a boat belonging to the local community who work to find fish in the lake. This is certainly an interesting adventure seuah come to the lake and can then move around reach the top of the seven mountains are nearby.

3.Cemara Beach
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After the adventure in a place that is full of forests, it is time now we go to the beach. Indeed, we are going to visit the beach is different from the other beaches in Bali, or maybe your place. The beach here is still very natural yet well maintained. But, this beach save tens of beautiful natural charm. If you are a fan of birds, here the suitable place. You can come here during the winter in the northern hemisphere. Here you will find thousands of migratory birds that stop. They migrate because in the place of origin of these birds had run out of their food such as fish, worms, mussels. While the evergreen coast provide all their wishes. However, the greedy and greedy human nature bird migration is considered as the harvest birds. So they hunt birds. Of course over time of these birds will be extinct. Clear loss for us all. We can no longer enjoy a holiday on the beach by watching thousands of birds who fish, worms and clams. Hope we hope humans who hunt birds with haphazard as they soon realized. So that the natural balance is maintained.

4.Muaro Jambi Temple
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Our final trip time to admire the beauty of the culture of the ancestors of the people of Indonesia. We will visit the temple complex Muaro jambi. This complex is the largest temple complex in Indonesia. Here you can see 80 more temple ruins. And it is estimated there are dozens of others were buried in the soil. This temple complex is located in the village Muarajambi new village hamlet, village lake Lamo, kemingkin outside, kemingkin in. Although there are many ruins of temples that have not been rearranged, but some of the main temple you can already see its splendor. The temple here is built with the main ingredient of red stone. It is here not as grand as Borobudur or Prambanan, but the atmosphere of the temples here is a mixture of various cultures of India, Persia, and China. Due to the discovery of patterns of these places are then assimilated. Unfortunately, access to the temple was badly damaged due to road used frequently bypassed trucks coal and oil. Even the bad news circulating that the temple complex will be demolished to be replaced with oil palm plantations or mining of coal. It is ironic to hear it. Though this temple is the world's cultural heritage not only Indonesia sees shades of this temple were mixed. Exploring the complex is like to make we are in the era. Is the government not concerned with it? so hopefully the news was not true

The last of me, actually Jambi save extraordinary nature. Greed and human greed again spoil everything. I do not know until when nature in Jambi will last. Authorities also seemed silent witness the destruction. This nature should we watch for the sake of our survival as human beings. If human nature were damaged would also be extinct. We have brains to think but we forgot have a heart to feel the things that are important to ourselves. See you in the next article.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Riau Islands, Splitted to evolving

Did you know there is a province in Indonesia that 95% of the total area is the ocean? Of course you do not believe, where there may be an area of government as in the movie water world. Believe do not believe that the Riau Islands. Prior to 2002, still with Riau Riau Islands but because local government sees great potential finally submitted a request to become an autonomous region itself. And this time of Riau Island proved developed rapidly into a prosperous region. Not surprised to see that most of the area is the sea. For that split to evolve. You comrades must come to the tourist attractions that exist in this region. of course most of the tourism is marine tourism. But you will not be disappointed if it traveled into the region. You will really feel the pleasant sea journey.

1.Abang Islands
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Ok first trip we start from the city of Batam. Here you will first stop, or rather if the plane you will arrive at the international airport Hang Nadim. Arriving here should langsun implement the plan that has been prepared beforehand or you'll get lost in the beauty of nature that exist in the Riau Islands tempting. Not yet added Batam is a city very close to Singapore so that you will easily find cheap goods here. Back to the reason we came here, in this city you will find a beach with clear sea water. Precisely in Abang Island. If you came to this island, meaning you have to visit one of the parks beautiful underwater biota. Uniquely here only in the depth of 15-18 meters you can already see the diversity of colorful coral reefs here. Still curious? later in upcoming posts I explain more fully.

2.Natuna Islands
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The journey continues towards Natuna Islands. These islands include the outermost regions of the state borders. So sanat Rawn to be a bone of contention among some countries. To travel here I just isa bit depict some beautiful places. Better you come yourself immediately see how the outstanding natural beauty here. Not just one or two places but every place where there has characteristics of its own superiority tourist spot. There alif rock garden containing unique prehistoric rocks, especially here you can soak yan sea water among the rocks there. Or please visit cemaga beach, white beaches along the 5 kilometer. Even if you want to feel into people trapped on the island without occupants with outstanding views can you feel senua Island. And there are many more places which are in this Natuna islands. There would be quite a two-day tour in the Natuna islands if you look at its own beauty.

3.Penyengat Island
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Actually, before the visit of nautical tourism in the Riau archipelago should visit first stinger Island. This is where various historical relics Riau archipelago located. Like the tombs of the king of Riau and Johor kesulatanan also some relics are on this island. Masjid Sultan Riau magnificent as sturdy beridiri overlooking the vast blue sea and quiet. You get bored with history? Here you will forget that it Pangkalan hate history, because amazed to be visible forms of heritage buildings here are still very guarded. To come to this island is very easy karean just 3 kilometers from the center of Tanjung Pinang. Of course with the boat ya friends, unless you want to swim past it also allowed.

4.Daik Mount
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The next stop is the Daik Mount. Sunrise and sunset beauty of the landscape of vast oceans become a mainstay of tourism in mountain Daik. Daik mountain is located on the island of Lingga has three peaks, namely Daik, Pejantan, and Cindai Menangis. Until now there has been none climbers both from within and outside the country that managed to reach one of the peaks of the mountain. Many factors were the reason for the failure of climbers have reached the top of this mountain. Though it has only high mountains 1365 meters above sea level. One important factor is the unpredictable weather. The city looks bright but so try to climb the foggy weather will turn out to be so difficult for climbers to reach the summit. You feel challenged? please try to conquer this mountain as the first. Relax in this climb you will be presented with a beautiful view stretching.

Ok enough of our travel companion. Long tour you in Riau islands will not disappoint you. Even you will try to come back again to explore other sights again. Since I only mention very little. Another time I will show the beauty of nature in the Riau Islands. Which would hopefully you will come to this place. Ingratitude towards God's infinite to us in the form of a beautiful natural remarkable. Riau Islands to witness how the history of the past until now become a bone of contention between regions. Between greed, greed, greed man to get it. Yet we should together maintain this nature. See you next time guys in next trip!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Riau, The Auspicious City

Hello my friends, now I'll tell you one rich provinces in Indonesia. The wealth of this province can not be separated from factors abundant natural resources, especially mineral resources such as petroleum and natural gas, as well as oil palm and rubber plantations. Initially Riau still together with the Riau Islands until finally in 2004, separated from the Riau Riau Islands. Riau actually have outstanding natural beauty. Ranging from forests inhabited by various endangered species and marine tourism also very beautiful scenery and you will not regret it when it comes to this province. But unfortunately the people of Indonesia are greedy and greedy burn forests to open a rubber or oil palm plantation. So if you are going to travel to Riau have to look at the news on TV or the internet apakaha no thick haze that covers the province. Because of your journey would be very disturbed by the existence of this problem. Should we as the people of Indonesia must preserve our true nature is very beautiful. Well I'll show some natural beauty Indonesia in Riau.

1.Jemur Islands

Jemur  island located in the Strait of Malacca, or precisely in Rokan Hilir district. The natural beauty of this island is provided so many. The island is breeding place of green turtle species, especially underwater natural richness that has millions of species of fish and coral reefs. Even in the 1960s in particular Jemur become the second largest fish producer in the world after Norway. No wonder this island eventually became a bone of contention both between Malaysia and Indonesia as well as the seizure of the district administrative Rokan Hilir and Labuhan stone. There is still a lot that I can talk about the beauty of nature that exist in this Jemur Island. But at other times I will review in more detail.

2.Tiga Puluh Hill National Park
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Tiga Puluh Hill National Park is one of the Indonesian national park to the variety of wildlife and wild plants. Among the famous wildlife in this park is the Sumatran tiger. Moreover, it can also be found indigenous tribes still very primitive one child in the tribe. Hill thirty therein even this was also still keep the beauty of natural outstanding. If you visit here means you have the chance to see one of the tourist sites in Air Hitam, attractions such as waterfalls. Unfortunately the government has not really care to take care of this National Park. Illegal logging is still frequent in the region. Unfortunately if finally the natural beauty here knocked away.

3.Giak Siam Kecl Bukit Batu Biosphere Nature Reserves
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In Riau also has a natural charm that is currently being watched by the whole world. That place is a nature reserve Biosphere Giak Siam Kecil Bukit Batu. This unique heritage is an area of peat swamp forest, who has characteristics dunia.Pesona unparalleled in the world of flora and fauna in the peat swamp forest is so impressive world so that the world is felt to be taking care of this forest. Researchers found 159 species of birds, 10 species of mammals, 13 species of fish, 8 species of reptiles, and 52 species of rare and protected plants, including orchids and ramin. Protected animals that were there in between False Gharial and hornbills. But again something beautiful so very tempting to be bothered by the hands idly to ruin it. Needed awareness of the various parties to take care of the beautiful nature in this place.

4.Bintan Mount
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Bintan Island has a mountain but its height is only 400 meters away. Although it looks like a hill if you made it to the peak will be presented thorough beauty of Bintan island surrounded by sea water. The surrounding mountains also you can see the lush trees. Trees that are keeping the island bintan of the threat of erosion. After passing through an exhausting trip do not forget when you get down to stop for a moment at the waterfall located at the foot of the mountain ni. The water is cool and clear certainly can relieve fatigue there.

Riau does have a natural abundance of charm. But already started to disappear one eprstau akibaat human activity that is only to satisfy lust eventually burn, destroy, and ruin all that nature provided a god to us. And I hope you guys are coming to Indonesia while maintaining this natural not to damage. I present it to you to feel the beautiful nature Indonesia. share awe for nature Indonesia. See you in the next post.

Monday, April 27, 2015

[VIDEO] Diving in Weh, Aceh

Visit Aceh and go weh island, you will see the wonders of the underwater world there. Not to mention the beautiful beaches, amazing waves, lush natural forests, and other beauty. Video above is just the natural beauty of the underwater view. If it is much less natural beauty like the others.

Friday, April 24, 2015

North Sumatra, when nature and culture assimilate

Hello brother and sister, sorry I had so long don’t post something.  Because some reason I couldn’t write about anything.  Now, I write about North Sumatra, A place with many culture assimilated here, there is a highland divide the North Sumatra. For your information North Sumatra when the time of Dutch rule, North Sumatra is a rule called Government van Sumatra in the area covering the whole of the island of Sumatra, headed by a governor who is based in the city of Medan. But after some changes after independences day, in 1950’s Indonesian government arrange that North Sumatra is divide with Aceh.
If you travel in North Sumatra you’ll arrive in Kuala Namu, The Newest International Airport in Indonesia. So don’t be afraid to lose the way, there will be the guides. Now, what do you want to travel in North Sumatra? There are many types of destination in here. Such as history destination, nature, hikes the mountain, plays water in rivers or waterfalls, etc. Before I am increasing your curious, I give you some information about destination on North Sumatra.

1.Maimoon’s Palace
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Maimoon’s palace which has now become an icon of the city of Medan, North Sumatra is a relic of the Royal Deli. Since 1946, the palace was occupied by the heirs of the Sultanate of Deli. Palace of more than 2,700 meters has more than 30 pieces of the room with an interior design that is a blend of Malay culture, Islamic, Italy, Spain, and Italy. Besides taking pictures in this historic building, visitors can also see the collection of old Dutch furniture, a collection of photographs kelaurga sultan, and the collection of all kinds of weapons. Located at Jalan Brigadier General Katamso Maimonides district of Medan, Medan, Maimonides Palace has become one of the tourist attractions in North Sumatra that is always visited by people who come to the city of Medan. The admission price is 5,000 rupiah Maimonides Palace per person.

2.Sipiso-piso waterfall
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Furthermore, there Sipso piso waterfall, located in the village Tongging, this Karo district has outstanding natural beauty. The waters fall from a height of 800 m above sea level makes this waterfall as one of the highest waterfalls in Indonesia . Sipiso-piso called because the water that falls as showers like a knife. Then the natural beauty surrounding a hill covered with pine many waterfalls add to the beauty of this. To come to this place is not so difficult because this tour became one of the prime tourist Karo Regency. There will be a lot of directions to the venue. Not only enjoy the waterfall, but you will be spoiled with a beautiful view from the top of the waterfall because the government has been providing a safe ladder to the top of the waterfall. From there you will see the landscape of Lake Toba. For an entrance fee was confirmed from the other side.

3.Linting Lake
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Linting Lake is a lake that is almost near Lake Toba. The origin of this lake was no one knows, only a myth story that adorn the origin of this lake. However the beauty that is presented in this lake is different from the Lake Toba. Indeed, today the beauty of the lake is reduced since the management of local governments on the lake. But still, the lake keindahana green when seen tosca blue while the other side is surrounded by large trees. In addition, rolled around the lake there are several caves were sacred by the local people. Access to the lake is very easy because the government has to provide some facilities to support tourism untun toward this place.

4.Nias Island
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Nias Island is a world-class marine tourism because of the natural beauty of these islands. Relying Sorake Island and the island of Nias, namely customs fohamba (skip rocks) makes a mainstay to attract foreign tourist to come to North Sumatra. Sorake island itself is famous for world-class surfing, because the waves are big and beautiful beaches. certainly not inferior to kuta bali. Or not forget here too there Sitoli mountain tours that offer natural beauty of the forest with views of the sea. Cultures that are here are still distinctive feel. Local population to date have not forgotten their customs although there are some changes to accept the culture from the outside. Access to the island of Nias is not difficult. There are many ferries are ready to take you to the island in times of calm sea. Prepare cost carefully because it took a few days to explore this archipelagic.

That is some of the tourist attractions in northern Sumatra. Is that it? Of course not. There are still many tours contained in this northern Sumatra. Another time I would lay out all the appropriate tourist city in northern Sumatra. thanks for reading please to share with your friends to visit Indonesia.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Aceh, Porch Mecca's Indonesia

Good afternoon fellows, sorry for late post. Now I will write about adventure in Aceh or before it Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. For your information about Aceh, Aceh had changed name 4 times. Name still the name although Aceh change many times it still Aceh that we know has Islamic major culture. Because of that you must very careful to do adventure in this place. Why? Because in Aceh besides uses Indonesian Laws, Aceh uses Islamic Laws too. But don’t be afraid, although likes that Aceh has beautiful nature. There is forest conservation. In the forest many endangered animals alive in this forest. Besides the forest, Aceh has many beautiful beaches and lakes. This some of adventure in Aceh:

1.Leuser Mount Forest Conservation

The first destination that you must come in Aceh is Leuser Mount Forest Conservation. Actually, It is located in Aceh province and North Sumatra province, but most of paths start is from Aceh province, specifically in Kutacane, Southeast Aceh. Well, in this forest you’ll find many endangered animals, such as Sumatran orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus abelii), Sumatran rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis), Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus). Even there are some endangered animals, in this place we can hikes to the mountain top in several days. But don’t worry, although we trough the long way, we can see how we are too little than God’s creation. Ok I have some clues to you for where is the path. There are 4 paths, first green kedah, second Agusan, and third Meukek. I will explain the route more specifically in next article.

2. Blang Kolam Waterfall

Blang Kolam Waterfall is located at Sido Mulyo Village, Kuta Makmur, North Aceh. It is about 21 kilometers from Lhoksemauwe. While the journey, you’ll see the beautiful landscape and the village feels which is cool and comfortable. There is a good news if you come to this waterfall, it is you must through about 660 downstairs. Is it too far? Take it easy bro, don’t be hurry to the waterfall. You can take a while to fully your energy. Because when you know how too beautifully the views of the waterfalls you will see the unforgotable moment at that waterfall.

3.Lampuuk Beach

Lampuuk Beach located in Meunasah Mosque, Lhoknga, Aceh Besar, Aceh. The beach is on track calang Banda Aceh (Aceh Jaya). When the tsunami hit, the beach is approximately 15 kilometers from Banda Aceh was damaged pretty badly. Hotels on the beach and the surrounding settlements were destroyed beaten elders residents in big waves.
But, gradually, the beach was also recovered. Less than a year after the tsunami, the tourism activity in the re-crowded beach. Along with the improvements made, the beach has been equipped with various facilities such as banana boat tourism. For visitors who want to stay overnight, there are also a variety of accommodations, ranging class inn to the cottage, a rate varied according to the services and facilities desired.
Lampuuk beach once referred to as '' Kuta '' - its Aceh. Position beaches stretching from north to south. At the end of the beach, there is also a coral cliff. Cliff climbing arena often used as a community of nature lovers. In addition, the beach can be used as an arena for surfing while adrenaline. Therefore, the waves were quite large and friends to surf. At the beach, tourists can swim, sunbathe, sailing, surfing, and fishing and diving.

4.Borni Telong Mount

Telong Burni mountain is a mountain located in the central highlands and has becoming the hallmark of the district. Mount Burni Telong is volcanic active and has erupted on December 7, 1924 Date of causing severe damage to the surrounding environment including agricultural land and settlements. Burni Telong which in Indonesian means the burning mountain, at an altitude of 2,600 meters above sea level.
The mountain is only five kilometers from Redeolong, capital of the central highlands and Rembele Airport (RBL). To reach the mountain is often called Burni Cempege (mountain full of sulfur-red), there are several paths. One of them, through Edelwais Strip. Named Edelwais because along the path overgrown with flowers Edelwais the Gayo people believed to be the perennial flowers. This path begins with an asphalt road from the main road intersection Takengon-Bireun up to the slopes Burni Telong precisely in the village of Bandar Lampahan District of buckle Elephant within 3 miles.
When you want to do the climb should consult with local youth or invite one or two of them to participate, unless you already know very well the terrain and mountain climbing lane Burni Telong. Field conditions to reach to the height of the peak is rather steep. However, the path of Bandar Lampahan towards the mountain slopes is a favorite choice of nature lovers or mountaineers. After passing through rugged terrain, we found a cave, which is often used as a place to stay when climbers want to spend the night for several days. At the level of a Burni Telong, expanse of pine trees spoil your eyes is the only active volcano in Central Highlands, Central Aceh and Bener Meriah

5.Weh Island

Weh Island or Pulau Weh or Pulo Weh (by the local population commonly referred to only as Sabang, the name of the largest city) is a small active volcanic island to the northwest of Sumatra, 45 minutes by fast regular ship or 2 hours by ferry from mainland, Banda Aceh. It was originally connected to the Sumatran mainland and became separated by sea after the volcano's last eruption in the Pleistocene era. The island is situated in the Andaman Sea. The largest city on the island, Sabang, is the northernmost outpost of Indonesia.
The island is known for its ecosystem; the Indonesian government has declared 60 square kilometres (23 sq mi) of inland and sea around the island as a wildlife protection area. A rare megamouth shark species was found on shore and the island is the only habitat for the threatened toad, Bufo valhallae (genus Bufo). Coral reef areas around the island are known for their large variety of fish species. Weh Island is small island and some beaches can be visited in one day only by rental vehicles, because there are no public transport there. Some beaches is anoi itam beach, iboih beach, gapang beach and etc.

That was some adventure that you’ll meet if you visit Aceh. The Northern Province in Indonesia. Tsunami in 2004 made Aceh tourism broke. But now the adventure began again. So don’t afraid to start your adventure in Indonesia from Aceh, the Porches Mecca. See you next time in my blog! Thanks for read my article. 

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The Truly Adventure, Please keep my daughter always in your side

"If you understand, I entrust my daughter will calm you."

 For those who will accompany my daughter, who will ripen together until death came to pick. Hello, son. I had never met you, but I know how to effect your presence in life my daughter because I noticed a change in myself my daughter. Did you know that he is so much longer when taking a shower? I know every time he brings a wide range of beauty products go into the bathroom, he would spend a long time in the bathroom. Did you know he spends his time in front of the laptop for learning how to make your favorite dishes? One time, two times, three times he tried and I-and-wife and the whole family is often a rabbit experiments. Did you know that he was often nervous before going on with you? He spent many hours in his room just choose the best dress and grooming as beautiful as possible. In fact I think, anything that used my daughter, she always looks beautiful. Did you know that he often came home, went into the house with a very wide smile every time return of go with you? The smile had just finished mine and my wife, when we bought her favorite doll. That smile just finished mine and my wife when she appeared on stage school and managed to find us in the crowd.

I'm not angry, I do not envy. I know one day, this moment would come. Moments where I would hold her hand for the last time and leave it to you. Moments where I'm going to retire so the hero and you are my role will replace it. Although I know, he will always think of me as a hero number one in his life. But, believe me, son. He also will be counting on you.

So, I just wanted notices. Forgive me if I'm really talkative, but believe me, my wife could write a 1,000-page novel, and I'm probably just going to write two to three pages. Son, my daughter may not be the most perfect woman who would you meet in the world, he is also not the most beautiful woman that may be present in your life. But you have to believe and trust before spending the rest of your life with her, she was the only woman who is fit and suitable to live with every day. Convince yourself that she's the only woman who can help you become a stronger man, better and more mature every day. I know, you guys later life will not always be filled with laughter as you are living now, but I want you both to keep hold of the hand of each other, do not ever let go, no matter how great the storm that hit you.

Please keep a big smile he always pairs having met you, because I and my wife will not always be there to make her smile.

Please help him to stand and walk, even run when he fell like that I and my wife did when she was still a little princess us.

Please scolds and warn my daughter when she was walking in the wrong direction, as my wife and I did when he took a wrong path in life.

Most importantly, make my daughter always felt he was at home when with you. Nothing is more important than the house because there where you take shelter, shelter and gather together. The house is your last refuge. Make him comfortable, make him happy because I and my wife will not always be here for her happy. I can not give love like you gave him, so I'm sure you have the ability to understand himself.

Well, I now sound like my wife. Thank you for listening to this my long message. I was more relieved now as he saw you two aging together.

 Written grateful and happy,

The Father of the daughter that you love

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Indonesia Better

                                                           source : +Eka Gustiwana 

Please watch this video for Indonesia better. Maybe Our country has many problem but if we as Indonesia not do anything so who will do that? Maybe we are nothing in our country. Maybe we don't have power, money, position, or anything else. Maybe we just a bullshit. Maybe we always do bad thing. And other reason to say we can;t make Indonesia be better, Please! wake up, get up, lets move change our country! Begin from ourselves. We do as many as we can do for a changing. We don't care what are we must fight. We just do and do and do. Do it now or never. Do it now if you care to your country. For yourself, for your family,for your friend, for your beloved, and someone else. What the relation between we change our country to us and anyone in this country? The answers is many things. Never will be there corruptor again. Never there about Indonesia is Bali. Never there the others call us bad people, dumb people, retarded people, or i don't know for what i must said again. Just only there Indonesia. The Beautiful Country. Ciao for better Indonesia! 

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Education Lives in Indonesia

For a while I will talk about education lives in Indonesia. There is something weird if we talk about education. Why? First because Indonesian people have a culture that education is not important for their children. Second is the first thing just the reason to cover up the real fact. What is the real fact? It is education in Indonesia very expensive. I said likes that absolutely with the standard of our lives as Indonesian. I give you explanation, for the elementary level we must through 6 years! And per year we must paid about 2 Million, and it is for bad grade school. For the highest it is about 8 Millions. And what we got? Honestly, I’m confused to explain what we got. And next in Junior High School level our parents must paid minimum 5 Million per year for 3 years. How about the Senior High school and in the College? It must be more expensive. Is there a scholarship for us the under? Yeah some peoples squawked always there are many scholarship in their school, so we came in, we paid the cost and what? The Scholarships never come. And just for the rich people? Wait, why  the scholarship for the rich people? Is your country are the third country? I don’t know what had happened, our country likes our nature, looks beautiful in outside but when you come and see what the inside, the strongest is the winner.

Ok forget about that problem, now I will tell about our lives as a student. I just tell you in Indonesia the student has many problems. From inside or the outside. The inside is something about love, anger, jealous, envious, arrogant, and I don’t know what I must write more. The outside is about family, friendship, the love, school, neighbor, or anything. Likes what I said, our lives similar our nature, our nature is very beautiful, amazing, special one, because of that million people looking for what is in our nature. So our nature transformed from beautiful to disgusting or sorry for that word, I mean ruined, damaged, or whatever you called that. Indonesian children, Indonesian teenage I think with some facts is the best children, the best teenage in the world. They are smart, intelligence, sporty, strong, good kind, religious but because the others not like our country developing.  They are presented us about dream, fantasy, imagination, that is not real.

So this is now our lives. If in the 90’s era one school is one group, but now there are more than one group in one class. Each other assume they are the best one than the others. Then, what the happened is each kills others. Some teenage has bad philosophy now. It is if you are in motorcycle gang you’re the cool man. Is it true? Absolutely normal people say no with doubtless. And what the things make you are being cool if you’re in the gang?  It is likes the monkey thinks if they are can be the Gorilla is very good thing. Ok that just what had I thought before. Our lives not good alike what you have watched. So please, keep our nature still be what they are, don’t change it or take it or another thing. Bonjour! 

Friday, February 27, 2015

This is our nature

Alright guys, thats all i just took in 3 cities jogjakarta, wonosobo and magelang. How about the others? i assure as beautiful as likes that. Ok see you next time for another my article. Adios Amigos!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Multicultural in Indonesia

Not much people knew that Indonesia has many cultural, This is important for us to know about some characteristics of many human kind in Indonesia. Likes me is javanese, javanese character mainly is they are respectful to the others especially to the older people. And javanese language has difficult structure, i mean not likes english that structure depends on the times, javanese languages structure is depends who are we talked. If older than us, we must talks with krama inggil, and many others structure in javanese. It was one of why javanese people are respectfully.  But easily, you don't afraid to come java, javanese people are easy going to travelling, to be a friendship, etc.

Maybe we are thought that java island just only there is javanese, if you think likes that, you were wrong, For the javanese itself there are many kind javanese, in central java there are ngapak, solo, etc. And the west of java is Sundanese people. Sundanese people almost has same characteristic with Javanese. But in Sundanese they are better with their group than they are lonely. And how  the languages? It’s very different wit Javanese. I called them likes speak play with tongue. As example, peuyeum, why we are not just call that ‘peyem’. For the first you must confuse talks with them because they talks too fast. So, you must be patient. Although likes that, we know in West Java there are many beautiful forests. Even more there is city that called Paris van Java, because the city as beautiful as Paris.

It just in Java Island, we have more than 70.000 islands with their culture. So, if you visit our country you might be amaze with our country. Because you’ll find not just the landscape of Indonesian nature but there are our cultures, our lives, our think and many things. In next articles insya alloh I will give the pictures of Indonesia. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I know Bali not Indonesia

Most of peoples in the world just knew Bali, but they are didn't know Bali is a part of Indonesia. I'm as Indonesian just thought very deep, how it could be happened. Whats wrong about Indonesia? So, i started for looking why bali more famous than Indonesia. And Eureka! First, Bali has a very beautiful landscape, it has a big waves for surf, good for sunbathe, etc. 
And you must know that not just Bali has that condition. Many places in Indonesia has as good as Bali even though in the others has an unique character, such as Raja Ampat has good underwater lives, Jogja has many caves and beachs, etc.
For the second, Balinese peoples just quiet about their identity, the fact that they are indonesian not just Balinese. I dont know why they weren't say that. I"am assured that if they are say that Bali is a part of Indonesia, the peoples would search about Indonesia not just about Bali. 
The last, Indonesia is too long to remember that, differ with Bali. as example, in - do - ne -si -a and ba - li, looks it different, why the tourist after travel in Bali just remember Bali but forget Indonesia. Okay, all of above is just my opinion, but about the point of is fact, for now, we must makes understanding Bali is a part of Indonesia, still and never separate.